Monday, March 16, 2009

Thought for the Day -15th March 2009 (Sunday)

When you see a mountain, waterfall or forest, you feel happy. All these proclaim the presence of the Divine. Light shines, the stars twinkle, the sun blazes, the planets revolve in their orbits. All these phenomena are manifestations of the Divine. By understanding the nature of flame, you can understand the nature of fire. By examining a drop of water, you come to know the nature of the Ganges. Likewise by understanding Maanavathvam (the true nature of humanness), you can understand Daivathvam (Divinity).

Ketika engkau melihat gunung, air terjun atau hutan, engkau merasa bahagia. Semua ini menunjukkan kehadiran Tuhan. Cahaya bersinar, bintang berkelip, matahari bersinar, planet berputar dalam garis edarnya. Semua gejala ini adalah manifestasi dari illahi. Dengan mengetahui sifat dasar api, engkau dapat memahami sifat cahaya. Dengan meneliti setetes air, engkau mengetahui sifat alami Gangga. Demikian juga dengan memahami Maanavathvam (sifat sejati manusia), engkau dapat memahami Daivathvam (Ketuhanan).


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