Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thought for the Day - 15th June 2010 (Tuesday)

In olden times, when in any region, the people were sunk in fear or anxiety, or when the sources of joy and contentment ran dry, they traced the cause for the calamity to some fault or failure in the worship offered to God in the temples of that area. They sought to identify these mistakes and correct them, so that they could have inner peace. They believed that the crisis could be controlled through these means. Such acts are now bundled together and called "superstitions", and are cast aside. This is not superstition at all. The ancients grasped the supreme truth only after personally experiencing its validity.

Pada zaman dahulu, saat di daerah manapun, orang-orang tenggelam dalam ketakutan atau kecemasan, atau ketika sumber kebahagiaan dan kepuasan hati meninggalkan mereka, mereka menelusuri penyebabnya untuk beberapa kesalahan atau kegagalan dalam pemujaan kepada Tuhan di kuil-kuil di daerah itu. Mereka berusaha mengidentifikasi kesalahan-kesalahan ini dan memperbaikinya, sehingga mereka bisa memiliki kedamaian batin. Mereka percaya bahwa krisis dapat dikendalikan melalui cara ini. Tindakan seperti itu, saat ini disebut "takhayul", dan diabaikan. Ini sama sekali bukanlah takhayul. Orang dahulu memahami kebenaran tertinggi setelah mengalami secara pribadi kebenaran tersebut.


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