Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thought for the Day - 7th February 2013 (Thursday)

A lame man and a blind man became friends and they moved from one place to another, with the lame man riding on the shoulder of the blind. One day, the lame man saw a field of yellow cucumber and suggested to the blind man that they pick a few and eat their fill. The blind man asked, “Brother, have they fenced the crop?” The lame man said, “No!” The blind man said, “Then let us move on, you know there are sweet and bitter varieties – if these vegetables are left unguarded – they must be bitter!” The blind man, by his intellect, was able to discover that they were bitter even without tasting them. He used the intelligence to perceive the truth faster and clearer. Make the intellect the Master of your mind and you will not fail; you will fail only when the senses establish mastery over the mind. Clarify your intelligence through spiritual discipline.

Suatu ketika, seorang pria lumpuh dan orang buta berteman dan mereka pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, dimana si lumpuh naik di bahu si buta. Suatu hari, si lumpuh melihat ladang mentimun dan menyarankan kepada si buta agar mereka memetik beberapa buah dan memakannya. Si buta bertanya, "Saudaraku, apakah tanaman tersebut dipagari?" Si lumpuh berkata, "Tidak!" Si buta menjawab, "Kalau begitu mari kita melanjutkan perjalanan, engkau mengetahui ada varietas manis dan pahit - jika tanaman  tersebut tidak dijaga - pasti rasanya pahit "Si buta, dengan inteleknya, mampu mengetahui bahwa mentimun tersebut terasa pahit bahkan tanpa mencicipinya! Dia menggunakan kecerdasannya untuk memahami kebenaran lebih cepat dan lebih jelas. Buatlah intelek sebagai Master dari pikiranmu dan engkau tidak akan gagal, engkau akan menemui kegagalan hanya ketika indera menguasai pikiran. Engkau hendaknya memurnikan intelekmu melalui disiplin spiritual.

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