Friday, October 4, 2013

Thought for the Day - 4th October 2013 (Thursday)

Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc. Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness. (Divine Discourse, Oct 6, 1970)

Doa adalah napas agama, karena, Doa membawa manusia dan Tuhan semakin dekat satu sama lain. Meditasi (dhyana) adalah proses mendengarkan Song Celestial, seruling Krishna, dengan telinga mental yang waspada pada melodi. Sama seperti setiap hari engkau melakukan latihan dan mengkonsumsi tonik, menghitung asupan kalori dan vitamin, memperhatikan dengan cermat nilai gizi makanan, juga memberi perhatian  pada asupan yang dapat mempengaruhi pikiran, apakah melemahkan atau memperkuat, apakah menambah kekuatan pikiran terhadap perlawanan virus berikut ini: keserakahan, iri hati, kebencian, kesombongan, kedengkian, dll. Ambillah makanan berupa melakukan tindakan pelayanan yang baik, merenungkan Tuhan, dan minum jus cinta-kasih (Prema rasa), sehingga dapat dicerna dengan baik. Maka, engkau akan memancarkan kesehatan mental, kebahagiaan dan kebajikan. (Divine Discourse, Oct 6, 1970)

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