Monday, December 28, 2020

Thought for the Day - 24th December 2020 (Thursday)

One day, young Jesus went to a lonely hilltop. Jesus was sitting and meditating on God all the while. After some time, he returned. As he was returning, he ran into a group of worried men on the coast of the sea of Galilee. When Jesus enquired, they said that they were fishermen and that for quite some time they were unable to catch any fish in their nets. Jesus said, “Follow me; are there any waters that do not have fish?” He took them to the middle of the sea and asked them to cast their nets at a particular spot. To their utter astonishment and great joy, the fishermen found that their nets were full with fish. This event created a lot of faith in the minds of the fishermen. Faith is indispensable for humanity. Where there is faith, there is love. Where there is love, there is truth; Where there is truth, there is peace; Where there is peace, there is bliss; Where there is bliss, there is God. 

Pada suatu hari, Jesus muda pergi ke sebuah puncak bukit yang sunyi. Jesus duduk dan meditasi pada Tuhan sepanjang waktu. Setelah beberapa lama, beliau turun. Pada saat beliau turun, beliau bertemu dengan sekelompok orang yang cemas di tepi laut Galilee. Ketika Jesus bertanya, mereka berkata bahwa mereka adalah nelayan dan untuk beberapa waktu mereka tidak mampu untuk mendapatkan ikan di dalam jaring mereka. Jesus berkata, “Ikuti aku; apakah ada air yang tidak ada ikan di dalamnya?” Jesus membawa mereka ke tengah laut dan meminta para nelayan untuk melapaskan jaring mereka pada titik tertentu. Mereka sangat terkejut dan gembira, para nelayan mendapatkan bahwa jaring mereka penuh dengan ikan. Kejadian ini menciptakan keyakinan yang mendalam di dalam benak para nelayan. Keyakinan adalah sangat diperlukan untuk manusia. Dimana ada keyakinan, disana ada cinta kasih. Dimana ada cinta kasih, disana ada kebenaran; dimana ada kebenaran, disana ada kedamaian; dimana ada kedamaian, disana ada kebahagiaan; dimana ada kebahagiaan, disana ada Tuhan. (Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 2002)



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