Monday, June 23, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 24th June 2008 (Tuesday)

Man suffers from numerous ills because he has not understood the purpose of life. The first thing he has to realize is that God is one, by whatever name and in whatever form the Divine is worshipped. The One chose to become the many. The Vedas declare, "God is one; the wise hail Him by many names". It is the imagination of the observers which accounts for the apparent multiplicity of the Divine. The sun is only one, but its reflection appears in many vessels. Likewise, God is present in the hearts of different beings in varied forms and natures.

Manusia menderita berbagai macam bentuk penyakit, hal ini disebabkan oleh karena ia tidak memahami maksud & tujuan dari kehidupannya ini. Hal pertama yang harus disadari olehnya adalah bahwa Tuhan Maha Esa, walaupun Beliau dipuja dengan berbagai macam nama dan rupa. Kitab suci Veda menyatakan, "Tuhan Maha Esa; para bijak memuji-Nya dengan berbagai macam nama." Imajinasi para pengamat-lah yang melahirkan multiplisitas ini. Matahari hanya ada satu, namun pantulannya tampak di berbagai permukaan. Demikian pula, Tuhan hadir di dalam hati setiap mahluk dengan wujud dan sifat yang bervariasi.

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