Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 14th August 2008 (Thursday)

The blazing fire of Jnana (wisdom) which convinces you that all this is Brahman (God), will consume in to ashes all traces of your egoism and worldly attachment. You must become intoxicated with the nectar of union with Brahman. That is the ultimate goal of Dharma (righteousness) and Karma (action).

Bara api Jnana (kebijaksanaan) - yang meyakinkanmu bahwa semuanya adalah Brahman (Tuhan) - akan membakar habis semua jejak-jejak egoisme-mu serta kemelekatanmu terhadap dunia ini. Engkau akan terbius oleh nectar persekutuan dengan Brahman. Inilah tujuan akhir dari Dharma (kebajikan) dan Karma (tindakan).

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