Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thought for the Day - 14th March 2009 (Saturday)

The Upanishads declare: "Raso vai Sah" (God is the essence). This means that God is present in subtle form everywhere, like sugar in sugarcane and butter in milk. Although it is difficult to have a direct perception of God, His presence can be experienced in many ways. The sweetness in sugar, the sourness in lime fruit, the bitterness of the margosa leaf, all testify to the presence of the Divine.

Upanishad menyatakan:"Raso vai Sah" (Tuhan adalah intisari). Ini artinya Tuhan hadir dimana-mana dalam wujud yang sulit dipisahkan, seperti gula dalam tebu dan mentega dalam susu. Meskipun sulit memahami persepsi langsung tentang Tuhan, keberadaan-Nya dapat dialami dengan berbagai cara. Rasa manis dalam gula, rasa masam dalam buah limau, rasa pahit dari daun margosa, hal tersebut membuktikan kehadiran Tuhan.


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