Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thought for the Day - 18th October 2009 (Sunday)

Deepavali is a festival which is designed to celebrate the suppression of the Ego by the Higher Self. Man is plunged in the darkness of ignorance and has lost the power of discrimination between the permanent and the evanescent. When the darkness of ignorance caused by Ahamkara (ego) is dispelled by the light of Divine knowledge, the effulgence of the Divine is experienced.

Deepavali adalah festival yang dirancang untuk merayakan pemusnahan Ego oleh Diri Sejati. Manusia terjerumus dalam gelap kebodohan dan telah kehilangan kemampuan membedakan antara yang fana dan kekal. Ketika gelap kebodohan yang disebabkan oleh Ahamkara (ego) dihalau dengan cahaya pengetahuan Illahi, kecemerlangan Ketuhanan akan dialami.


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