Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thought for the Day - 12th January 2010 (Tuesday)

You must understand the distinction between Education and Educare. Education is information-oriented. Educare is transformation-oriented. Education is limited to physical and mental levels. Education has its roots in Educare. Educare is related to our inner feelings and purity of heart. Our speech, song and way of life (Maata, Paata and Baata) should originate from the heart. That is the essence of Educare. Only those endowed with the practical knowledge and wisdom will be able to understand and appreciate the concept of Educare. Even after acquiring a number of degrees, if you lack purity in your heart, you cannot be called truly educated.

Engkau harus memahami perbedaan antara “Education” dan “Educare”. Education berorientasi pada informasi. Educare berorientasi pada transformasi. Education terbatas pada tingkat fisik dan mental. Education berakar pada Educare. Educare berhubungan dengan perasaan batin dan kemurnian hati kita. Cara bicara, lagu, dan cara hidup (Maata, Paata and Baata) seharusnya berasal dari hati. Ini adalah inti dari Educare. Hanya mereka yang diberkati dengan pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan akan dapat memahami dan menghargai konsep dari Educare. Walaupun setelah memperoleh pendidikan yang tinggi, jika engkau tidak memiliki kemurnian hati, engkau belum layak disebut terdidik.


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