Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thought for the Day - 19th February 2011 (Saturday)

The wave-like movement of proceeding and receding, of merging and emerging has been happening since time immemorial; it will happen till Time ends; it is eternal in its feature—this is the belief of Bharathiyas. A human being is not just this gross body; in it, there is a subtle component called mind; inside it, as its prompter and spring, there is an even more subtle principle called the Jivatma (individualized soul). This Jivatma has neither beginning nor end; it has no birth, it knows no death. This is the basis of the Bharathiya faith.

Ombak bagaikan gerakan maju-mundur, lebur dan muncul sejak zaman dahulu dan akan tetap ada hingga berakhirnya Waktu; ia abadi – inilah kepercayaan Bharathiya (India). Manusia bukan sekedar badan kasar (fisik) ini; di dalamnya ada komponen yang lebih halus yang disebut pikiran; di dalamnya sebagai sumbernya ada yang lebih halus yang disebut Jivatma (jiwa individu). Jivatma ini tidak ada awal dan akhir; tidak mengalami kelahiran dan kematian. Inilah dasar dari kepercayaan Bharathiya.


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