Monday, May 23, 2011

Thought for the Day - 22nd May 2011 (Sunday)

There is milk in the body of the cow. The milk has ghee (clarified butter) latent in it. But the cow cannot derive any strength through that ghee. The milk has to be taken out of the animal, it has to be boiled, and a little sour curd poured into it in order to curdle it. Then, when the milk is transformed into curds, it has to be churned and butter separated and rolled. Afterwards, the butter has to be melted and clarified, to get the ghee. The ghee thus prepared can be fed to the cow and then, it would be rendered stronger. So too, God is omnipresent. Yet, He is not amenable to individuals, unless they undertake Sadhana (spiritual exercises).

Di Dalam tubuh sapi terdapat susu dan susu memiliki ghee (mentega murni) yang terpendam di dalamnya. Tetapi sapi tidak bisa memperoleh kekuatan apapun melalui ghee tersebut. Susu harus dibawa keluar dari tubuh sapi, kemudian susu tersebut harus direbus, dan dadih asam sedikit dituangkan ke dalamnya agar bisa mengental. Lalu, ketika susu berubah menjadi dadih, dadih harus diaduk dan mentega dipisahkan. Setelah itu, untuk mendapatkan ghee, mentega harus dicairkan dan dimurnikan. Ghee kemudian dapat dipersiapkan menjadi makanan untuk sapi dan kemudian membuat sapi menjadi lebih kuat. Demikian juga, Tuhan ada di mana-mana. Namun, Beliau tidak dipahami oleh manusia, kecuali mereka melakukan Sadhana (praktek spiritual).

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