Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thought for the Day - 25th May 2011 (Wednesday)

Riches are needed to secure any article in the world. With riches, articles are acquired, so it follows that the riches are superior to the articles obtained by means of them, right? With riches, one can get any article, any time. So too, it is by means of the riches of the Divine Name that the article, Divine Form, is to be earned. If the riches of the Divine Name are steadily accumulated, the Lord can be realised through the path of meditation, easily and without difficulty.

Kekayaan diperlukan untuk mendapatkan berbagai benda di dunia ini. Dengan kekayaan, benda-benda duniawi tersebut bisa diperoleh, dengan demikian bukankah kekayaan lebih unggul daripada benda-benda duniawi yang diperoleh? Dengan kekayaan, seseorang bisa mendapatkan benda-benda duniawi kapan saja. Demikian juga, dengan kekayaan ’Nama Tuhan’ maka ‘Wujud Tuhan’ akan didapatkan. Jika kekayaan ‘Nama Tuhan’ terakumulasi, Tuhan dapat disadari (keberadaan-Nya) dengan mudah dan tanpa kesulitan, melalui jalan meditasi.


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