Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thought for the Day - 4th August 2011 (Thursday)

It is very important to remember that it is possible and desirable to utilize the full power of words through softness and sweetness. If you are anxious to see God in every object, the sweetness of the word will be of immense help. “Sir, Master, Lord” in these words lie the secret of much affection and regard. Through these and many more such words, how happy you can make others, and how light your minds will become by the practice of softness of expression! When spiritual practices are carried on in this happy atmosphere, you will attain concentration very quickly!

Sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa sangat tepat dan diperlukan untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan penuh kata-kata melalui kelembutan dan manisnya kata-kata. Jika engkau ingin melihat Tuhan dalam setiap objek, manisnya kata-kata akan sangat membantu. "Tuan, Guru, Tuhan" dalam kata-kata ini terletak rahasia kasih sayang dan salam hormat. Melalui kata-kata seperti ini, betapa engkau akan membuat orang lain bahagia, dan cahaya pikiranmu akan menjadi ekspresi kelembutan! Ketika praktek-praktek spiritual dijalankan dalam suasana bahagia, engkau akan mencapai konsentrasi dengan sangat cepat!


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