Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thought for the Day - 19th March 2014 (Wednesday)

Look at a beautiful building. How is it strong? It has walls, which gives it support. But how do the walls get the support? There is a foundation beneath it. The walls are able to stand strong because the foundation is solid. What is the use of the walls and foundation without a roof? You can live in a place, only when there is a roof. So too, to lead a happy life and accomplish Self-Realization, you must have Self-confidence as the foundation, Self-satisfaction as the walls and Self-sacrifice as your roof. So first and foremost, develop Self-confidence. Where there is faith, there is love. Where there is love, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is truth. Where there is truth, there is bliss. Where there is bliss, there is God. And where there is God, there is everything. Never forget this principle and develop Self-confidence.

Lihatlah suatu gedung yang bagus. Bagaimana gedung tersebut bisa berdiri kokoh? Gedung itu memiliki dinding, yang menyangganya. Tetapi bagaimana dinding bisa menyangganya? Ada suatu pondasi di bawahnya. Dinding bisa berdiri kuat karena pondasinya yang kokoh. Apa gunanya dinding dan pondasi tanpa atap? Engkau dapat tinggal di suatu tempat, hanya jika tempat itu ada atapnya. Demikian juga, untuk menjalani hidup yang bahagia dan mencapai Self-Realization, engkau harus memiliki  Self-confidence sebagai pondasinya, Self-satisfaction sebagai dinding dan Self-sacrifice sebagai atapnya. Jadi pertama dan terpenting, kembangkanlah  Self-confidence ‘percaya diri’. Di mana ada keyakinan, disana ada cinta-kasih. Di mana ada cinta-kasih, disana ada kedamaian. Di mana ada kedamaian, disana ada kebenaran. Di mana ada kebenaran, disana ada kebahagiaan sejati. Dimana ada kebahagiaan sejati, disana ada Tuhan. Dan di mana ada Tuhan, disana ada semuanya. Jangan lupa akan prinsip ini dan kembangkanlah Self-confidence ‘kepercayaan diri’. (Divine Discourse, “My Dear Students”, Vol 1, Ch 7, Apr 10, 2000)

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