By praying to God and asking for trivial and petty things, people demean the Lord’s Divine estate. No one appreciates the valuable, sacred and divine favour God may choose to confer on a deserving devotee. Hence never seek from God, nor desire, nor pray for some petty trifles. More precious and desirable than everything else is God's love. If you wish to ask for anything from God pray to Him thus, "O Lord! Let me have You alone." To crave for anything other than Divine Love is like asking for coffee powder from the Kalpataru (Wish-fulfilling Tree)! For, once you have secured the Lord, you will naturally get everything you want! While praying to God for His grace, do not indulge in extravagant praise and flattery to win His approbation and seek His favours; that prayer then acquires a commercial tinge! Pray sincerely and earnestly from within.
Dengan berdoa kepada Tuhan dan meminta hal-hal yang sepele dan kecil, orang-orang merendahkan Tuhan. Tidak ada yang menghargai nikmat yang berharga, suci dan Ilahi yang Tuhan berikan bagi bhakta-Nya yang layak mendapatkannya. Oleh karena itu janganlah pernah mencari dari Tuhan, atau menginginkan, atau berdoa untuk hal-hal yang sepele dan kecil. Yang lebih berharga dan diinginkan daripada segala sesuatu yang lainnya adalah kasih Tuhan. Jika engkau ingin meminta sesuatu dari Tuhan berdoalah kepada-Nya seperti berikut, "Ya Tuhan! Biarkan aku hanya memiliki engkau." Untuk mendambakan apa pun selain Cinta-kasih Tuhan dapat diibaratkan seperti meminta kopi bubuk dari Kalpataru (pohon pengabul keinginan)! Sebab, sekali engkau telah mendapatkan berkat Tuhan, secara alami engkau akan mendapatkan semua yang engkau inginkan! Saat berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk mendapatkan berkat-Nya, janganlah memperturutkan diri dalam pujian berlebihan dan sanjungan untuk memenangkan persetujuan-Nya dan mencari nikmat-Nya; doa yang seperti itu mendapatkan semburat komersial! Berdoalah dengan tulus dan sungguh-sungguh dari dalam hatimu. (Divine Discourse, Oct 9, 1989)
Daily Inspiration as written in the Ashram of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Prasanthi Nilayam), translated into Bahasa Indonesia
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thought for the Day - 29th November 2014 (Saturday)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thought for the Day - 28th November 2014 (Friday)
Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.
Milikilah keyakinan bahwa Kebenaran akan menyelamatkanmu dalam jangka panjang; engkau hendaknya menaatinya, tanpa menghiraukan apa yang mungkin menimpa. Karena jika engkau benar, rasa bersalah tidak akan menggerogoti dirimu dan tidak menyebabkan penderitaan. Hanya pengecut yang membuat engkau menyembunyikan kebenaran; itu adalah kebencian yang mempertajam tepi kepalsuan. Beranilah maka tidak akan ada suatu kebohongan. Penuhilah dengan cinta-kasih maka tidak perlu ada akal-akalan. Kebiasaan yang paling mudah dilakukan adalah berbicara kebenaran dan kejujuran; karena jika engkau mulai berbohong, engkau harus memperhatikan jumlah kebohongan yang telah engkau lakukan dan mengingat berapa banyak engkau telah mengatakan kebohongan kepada orang lain, dan akan selalu mengingatkan untuk tidak bertentangan antara satu kebohongan dengan kebohongan lainnya! Engkau hendaknya mengasihi orang lain dan engkau tidak perlu lagi menipu orang lain dengan kebohongan; engkau akan merasa bahwa orang yang mengasihi layak mendapatkan kebenaran dan tidak lain hanya kebenaran. Cinta-kasih akan menyelamatkanmu dari berbagai gangguan. (Divine Discourse, March 3, 1958)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thought for the Day -27th November 2014 (Thursday)
The one who is filled with love has great peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses. This fortitude is derived from love of the Lord, and it endows one with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power. Everyone has to develop this power to experience the bliss of the Self (Atma-Ananda). Love should be free from feelings of expectation of any return or reward. Love which arises out of a desire for something in return is not true love. Utterly selfless and motiveless love should be developed. This is the bounden duty of all. You should not pray to God seeking this favour or that, for your vision is limited. None of you can fathom what immensely precious, Divine and magnificent treasures lie when you secure the treasure-house of Divine Grace.
Thought for the Day - 26th November 2014 (Wednesday)
All of you have a whole set of animals within: the dog, the fox, the ass, and the wolf. You must choose to suppress the tendencies of all these beasts and encourage the human qualities of love and friendship to shine. Above all, begin the cultivation of virtues; that is more important and beneficial than mere book-learning. This will give real Ananda (bliss); that is the essence of all knowledge, the culmination of all learning. Treat everyone as your own and even if you cannot do them any good, desist from causing them any injury. Light the lamp of love inside the niche of your heart and the nocturnal birds of greed and envy will fly away, unable to bear the light. An unbending person is infected with egoism of the worst type; Love (Prema) makes you humble, it makes you bend and bow when you see greatness and glory. Use that capacity and derive the best advantage out of it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Thought for the Day - 25th November 2014 (Tuesday)
You must become heroes in action. It does not behoove of you to spend your time in idle talk, without involving yourself in some solid work for the benefit of the nation. Bend your body and work hard to attain glory. A seed that is sown in the soil, loses its shape to ultimately become a gigantic tree. That tree yields sweet fruits. Similarly it is only when you destroy your ego and lose your identity, real fruit of your actions come out. Therefore, remove your attachment to your body (dehabhimana) and develop attachment to the country (deshabhimana). Love is a quality permeating every living being. Truth is verily the embodiment of Divinity. It is in you, with you, around you, everywhere, protecting you always, at all times. You need not search for God in some distant place. Truth is the very embodiment of God. Do not ever move away from Truth.
Engkau hendaknya menjadi pahlawan dalam tindakan. Tidaklah tepat jika engkau menghabiskan waktumu dengan omong kosong belaka, tanpa melibatkan diri dalam beberapa pekerjaan yang mendalam untuk kepentingan bangsa. Tundukkanlah badanmu dan bekerja keras untuk mencapai kemuliaan. Benih yang ditabur di tanah, kehilangan bentuknya untuk akhirnya menjadi pohon yang besar, pohon yang menghasilkan buah yang manis. Demikian pula hanya ketika engkau menghancurkan egomu dan kehilangan identitasmu, buah asli dari tindakanmu keluar. Oleh karena itu, hilangkanlah keterikatanmu pada badan jasmanimu (dehabhimana) dan kembangkanlah keterikatan pada negara (deshabhimana). Cinta-kasih adalah sifat yang bisa diserap setiap makhluk hidup. Kebenaran adalah perwujudan dari Tuhan. Tuhan ada dalam dirimu, denganmu, di sekitarmu, di mana-mana, melindungimu selalu, setiap saat. Engkau tidak perlu mencari Tuhan di beberapa tempat yang jauh. Kebenaran adalah perwujudan Tuhan. Jangan pernah menjauh dari kebenaran. (Divine Discourse, 22 Nov 2002)
Monday, November 24, 2014
Thought for the Day -24th November 2014 (Monday)
Life will be unfulfilled by merely spending time. When you enquire earnestly whether duty comes first or right comes first, several people insist upon ‘rights’. Ask yourself - Where did ‘rights or entitlements’ come from? When you perform your duty, its fruit, in the shape of rights, accrues to you! How can a child exist without the mother? So also, when you perform your duties sincerely, the result of that action comes as rights. When you enquire into the fact whether rain comes first or the flow of water, it becomes clear that flow of rainwater follows rain. Without rain, there cannot be a flow. The flow can be compared to one’s ‘rights’ and rain to ‘duty’. Therefore accord your highest priority to your duties!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Thought for the Day - 23rd November 2014 (Sunday)
Many must be thinking about the gift to offer Swami on His Birthday. The present given to God must be pure, steady and selfless Love. You can rejoice that you have given the Lord a real gift only when you love your fellowmen, share their sufferings, and engage in serving them. Adopt villages and make them ideal villages. Rich and powerful have plentiful servants. The distressed, the poverty-stricken, and the diseased have no one to serve them. Go to them and be their friends and relatives, their closest well-wishers. Let them welcome you as such. Do not pour spirituality into the ears of those who are tortured by hunger and afflicted by pain. First satiate their hunger. Serve them as God and give food, clothes, and medicines and then teach them spirituality. I bless you with long life, good health, bliss, peace and prosperity. May you devote your physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual strength and skills for the service of the Universe.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Thought for the Day - 22nd November 2014 (Saturday)
A real student is one who contemplates and understands the value of the education being received. Higher knowledge (Vijnana) and Supreme wisdom (Prajnana) are not merely products of education that can be acquired by learning or listening. Everyone can develop these sacred powers through culture and refinement gained through education and consistent practice. What is culture? Culture is the conscious effort put in by every being to achieve a transformation in their daily lives from untruth to truth, from non-conformance to scriptures to conformance to scriptural authority, and from evanescence to eternity. It is a spiritual journey towards Divinity. Human beings are embodiments of truth. Everyone must persevere to protect the practice of Truth (Sathya) and Righteousness (Dharma), which in turn will protect the Universe. If you succeed in doing so, the whole world will enjoy peace and prosperity. (Divine Discourse, 21 Nov 2002)
Thought for the Day - 21st November 2014 (Friday)
Modern education is mere bookish knowledge, confined to what is contained in the texts. Today many are pursuing such secular education only (i.e., value neutral). Secular education alone is not enough. It must be supplemented with spiritual education. Spiritual education has its effect on one’s heart, and is called Educare. Educare means bringing out the latent Divinity, that is hidden in the heart of human beings and establishing it as an ideal to the whole world. Through Educare, you must develop the principle of love and students must follow the path of truth. True education is that which is suffused with truth and love. Secular education is for making a living, whereas spiritual education is for reaching the goal of life. It is the duty of students as well as educators to harmonize the secular education with spiritual education. This is the prime necessity today. (Divine Discourse, 20 Nov 2002)
Thought for the Day - 20th November 2014 (Thursday)
Do not find faults with others. If you point an accusing finger at someone, remember three fingers are pointing to you. Wear the ornament of Truth to adorn your neck (Sathyam Kantasya Bhushanam). Charity is the true ornament that make your hands beautiful and elegant (Hasthasya Bhushanam Dhanam). Thus you must sanctify each limb of your body by engaging in sacred activities. Your eyes should look at only sacred things. Do you know what an enormous power is latent in your eyes? There are crores of light rays in them. In olden days, people used to invoke the grace of Sun God to have a better vision. When you perform Surya-namaskar (worship of Sun God) and invoke His grace, the light rays in your eyes will become more effulgent and inspire you. People aspire to attain liberation. What is liberation? Help ever, hurt never - that is true liberation. To get rid of attachment (moha) is true liberation (moksha). (Divine Discourse, Nov 19, 2002)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thought for the Day - 19th November 2014 (Wednesday)
Women should look after their homes diligently and conduct themselves in a pleasing manner. Treat your guests in a cordial manner and to the extent possible. Empathise with those who are in difficulties, comfort and console them with soothing words. Those who talk harsh words are verily demons. If you hurt others’ feelings, you will be hurt twice as much and you cannot escape from the consequences of your actions. Embodiments of Love! These teachings are simple to practice in your daily life. But do not take them lightly - they can confer on you liberation! It is your good fortune (adrishtam) to know them! What is good fortune? A-drishtam is that which cannot be seen. You may not be able to see the results of your noble conduct and meritorious deeds, but they will confer on you all happiness and comforts in due course of time. (Divine Discourse, Nov 19 2002)
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Thought for the Day - 18th November 2014 (Tuesday)
People today speak about God having forgotten them. This is not true. Most often, it is the devotee who gives up God. It is the devotee who forgets Him. It is their own feelings that are reflected in their utterances. People forget God and indulge in the world and one day they suddenly declare that God has forgotten and forsaken them. Separation from God is the primary cause for people wallowing in sensuous pleasures. Mind is the cause of one’s pleasure and pain. It must be directed towards God to secure freedom from pleasure and pain. You stray away from God and think God is moving away from you. God can and will never forget His devotee. God is never away from you. He is always with you, caring for you and waiting for you to turn to Him. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 14, 14 Jan 1996)
Monday, November 17, 2014
Thought for the Day - 17th November 2014 (Monday)
There are many Nobel laureates. How many remember them? But the great benefactors of mankind, the men of noble qualities, are cherished by all mankind. For instance, Kolkata produced many great intellectuals, who after a time are not remembered at all. But Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a noble soul from that city, even though he was illiterate, is enshrined in the hearts of millions all over the world. Is education responsible for it? Likewise if many noble persons are instilled in the hearts of people, what is the reason? They have earned their good name by their faith in God, their character, magnanimity and spirit of sacrifice. This means that together with concern for worldly things, there should be devotion to God as well. Together with education Samskara is essential. What is the meaning of culture (Samskara)? Refinement of action is true culture - Samyak Kriti Iti Samskara. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 14, 14 Jan 1996)
Thought for the Day - 16th November 2014 (Sunday)
The supreme virtue in every human being is to forget their individual differences and move with everyone in a spirit of harmony and equality. What lends beauty to sports and games is this spirit of unity. Unfortunately many people today derive only physical fitness and strength from sports and games, not the spirit of love and unity! Fulfillment in life can never be attained from physical health and strength alone. Even if your stomach is full, you can be happy only when both your body and mind are healthy. Young people must understand this truth and not be focused only on physique and beauty. The Divine has endowed everyone with physical, mental and spiritual potencies of many kinds. Your mind is the source of infinite powers. A subdued mind can help you realize the Divine. Recognize the magnitude of your internal powers and leverage them in your daily lives. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 14, 14 Jan 1996)
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thought for the Day - 15th November 2014 (Saturday)
A flower has many petals. These petals appear distinct from each other. But all petals have emerged from the same single stem. The stem is the seat of the Atma, from which the petals have emanated. But we view the flower as a single object. The flower is one, but the petals are many. Same analogy is applicable to the endless number of waves arising on the ocean. The waves are many and distinct. But they are of the same stuff as the ocean. From the waves arises the foam, which has the same properties as the waves and the ocean though different in form and name. All the three are based on the ocean. This is the logical basis for Advaita (philosophy of non-dualism). The Atma is the basis for everything. Ignoring this truth people pursue the myriad ephemeral objects of the phenomenal world, but ultimately all come to a realisation of the Atmic Principle. (Divine Discourse, 10 Sep 1996)
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thought for the Day - 14th November 2014 (Friday)
You have immense potency within you. Like the light that illumines, your vision must be pure, sacred and pleasing. Do not taint or pollute the blessing of sight by looking at undesirable objects, or by looking with bad thoughts. A magnetic energy circulates in you. Although this energy is present throughout the body, its presence is conspicuous in the hand. Hence the hands should be employed for good purposes. They should never be used for harming others. The ears listen to gossip, slander and evil talk. The result is that the power of hearing gets polluted. Also the power of speech. This power finds expression in sound waves and it has to be used with great care. The words one utters should be examined to see that they do not excite, irritate or anger others. Bad words come back to the speaker with double strength. Hence one's speech should be soft and sweet. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 14, 14 Jan 1996)
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Thought for the Day - 13th November 2014 (Thursday)
Thought for the Day - 12th November 2014 (Wednesday)
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thought for the Day - 11th November 2014 (Tuesday)
Thought for the Day - 10th November 2014 (Monday)
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Thought for the Day - 9th November 2014 (Sunday)
Human life is highly sacred, noble and divine. It should not be wasted in unworthy pursuits. Take to the sacred path and sanctify your time by chanting the divine name. There is no need to allocate a specific time or place for Namasmarana. You can do it wherever you are and whatever you are doing. One needs to pay tax for water, electricity, etc., but there is no tax for Namasmarana. Nobody can stop you from doing it. It is very simple, yet most effective. Many people do not realise its immense value as it is so easy to practise. They think incorrectly that God can be attained only through severe austerities. Chant the divine name without troubling yourself or causing trouble to others. Cultivate love for God. Do not criticise or ridicule anybody. Give happiness to all by sharing your love selflessly. This is true spiritual practice. Follow this simple path, experience ananda and sanctify your lives.
Kehidupan manusia sangat sakral, mulia, dan ilahi. Ini tidak boleh disia-siakan dalam kegiatan yang tidak berguna. Engkau hendaknya mengambil jalan yang suci dan menyucikan waktumu dengan mengucapkan nama Tuhan. Tidak perlu untuk mengalokasikan waktu tertentu atau tempat tertentu untuk Namasmarana. Engkau dapat melakukannya di manapun engkau berada dan apa pun yang engkau lakukan. Kita membayar pajak untuk air, listrik, dll, yang kita pergunakan, tetapi tidak ada pajak untuk Namasmarana. Tidak ada yang bisa menghentikanmu dari melakukannya. Ini sangat sederhana, namun yang paling efektif. Banyak orang yang tidak menyadari betapa besar manfaat yang didapatkan dari melakukan praktik yang mudah tersebut. Mereka berpikir salah bahwa Tuhan dapat dicapai hanya melalui pertapaan yang hebat. Chantingkanlah nama Tuhan tanpa menyusahkan dirimu sendiri atau menyebabkan masalah kepada orang lain.Pupuklah kasih untuk Tuhan. Janganlah mengkritik atau mengejek siapa pun. Berikan kebahagiaan bagi semua orang dengan berbagi cinta-kasih tanpa pamrih. Inilah latihan spiritual yang sejati. Ikutilah jalan yang sederhana ini, maka engkau akan mengalami ananda dan menyucikan hidupmu.
Thought for the Day - 8th November 2014 (Saturday)
Akhanda Bhajan involves constant contemplation on God in the morning, evening or even during the night time. No doubt, many people today are repeating the holy name; but not with love and steady faith. Some are concerned about how others are singing, whether their tune is in order, etc. This equates to doing namasankirtan with a wavering mind; no transformation will occur with such namasankirtan, despite doing it for hours together. It must be done with absolute concentration and steady faith to achieve transformation. To attain purity that pulverizes all negativity, it is not enough if chanting of the divine name is confined to a limited period. Hence global Akhanda Bhajan is held for 24 hours, every year. Consider yourself very fortunate to participate in an Akhanda Bhajan. If only you make good use of it, your life will be sanctified. Practice Namasmarana and make it a continuous spiritual exercise throughout your life.
Thought for the Day - 7th November 2014 (Friday)
Lord Krishna in the Gita says, “You are all part of My Divinity. Hence you should follow Me. My love is divine and sacred. So is yours!” (Mamaivamso jeevaloke jeevabhutah sanatanah). If you truly follow this principle, you will automatically achieve purity. Where there is purity, there is Divinity. Since time immemorial, each and every one of you are part of Me; you are My very own. Never forget this truth. If you develop faith in this truth, it will amount to reading all the scriptures. Every human being follows Dharma (Righteousness). Where did this Dharma come from? It has come from feeling (bhava), which in turn emanated from faith (vishwas). Where faith is, there Dharma is! That faith is Truth. Dharma is verily the embodiment of Divinity. Truth is God; Faith is God; Love is God; Live in Love. Only when you cultivate Truth, Faith and Love, you can achieve anything.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Thought for the Day - 6th November 2014 (Thursday)
Always attend to your duties with a pleasant and smiling face. There is no use putting a ‘castor oil face’. Happiness is union with God. That is real Divinity. When you are confronted with difficult situations do not get upset and constantly worry thinking, “Oh My! How do I cross this situation?”. Such worry will only worsen the situation. Repose your faith in God. Think that difficulties are opportunities for your advancement. If you develop this attitude, your life will be sanctified. Whoever does Namasmarana, whatever name they take and wherever they are, their life will be sanctified. They will be free from sin. Do not be too much concerned or bogged down with raga and tala (tune and rhythm). There is only one Raga, that is Hridayaraga (the tune of your own heart). That is ‘So… ham’ (“I am I”). Tune your life Unto Him. Then, whatever activity you undertake, it becomes a success.
Selalulah kerjakan tugasmu dengan wajah yang menyenangkan dan tersenyum. Tidak ada gunanya memperlihatkan 'wajah cemberut'. Kebahagiaan adalah penyatuan dengan Tuhan. Itulah Divinity yang sejati. Ketika engkau dihadapkan dengan situasi sulit janganlah marah dan terus-menerus khawatir memikirkan, "Oh Tuhan! Bagaimana cara mengatasi situasi ini?". Khawatir seperti itu hanya akan memperburuk situasi. Engkau hendaknya menaruh kepercayaanmu pada Tuhan. Berpikirlah bahwa kesulitan adalah kesempatan untuk kemajuanmu. Jika engkau mengembangkan sikap ini, hidupmu akan disucikan. Siapapun yang melantunkan Namasmarana, nama apapun yang mereka ambil dan dimanapun mereka berada, hidup mereka akan disucikan. Mereka akan bebas dari dosa. Jangan terlalu banyak khawatir dengan raga dan tala (lagu dan irama). Hanya ada satu Raga, yaitu Hridayaraga (lagu yang berasal dari hatimu sendiri). Itulah "So ... Ham '("Aku adalah aku"). Arahkanlah hidupmu kepada-Nya. Kemudian, aktivitas apa pun yang engkau lakukan akan menjadi berhasil.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Thought for the Day - 5th November 2014 (Wednesday)
Today the world is facing a lot of problems because people are not doing enough Namasamarana. Let each and every street reverberate with the singing of the divine glory. May each and every cell of your body be filled with the Divine Name. Nothing else can give you the bliss, courage and strength that you derive from Namasamarana. Even if others make fun of you, ignore it, let it go! Everyone young or old, rich or poor, must do Namasamarana. Do it with all your mind and total dedication. Sing to the Lord without any inhibitions; only then can you experience divine bliss. You do not need any musical instruments - it is enough if you call Him from the core of your heart. Take care that you do not have evil thoughts as they will produce discordant notes. Then you will receive divine grace and energy.
Saat ini dunia sedang menghadapi banyak masalah karena orang-orang tidak melakukan Namasmarana. Biarlah setiap orang dan setiap jalan bergema dengan nyanyian kemuliaan Tuhan. Semoga setiap orang dan setiap sel tubuhmu dipenuhi dengan Nama Tuhan. Tidak ada lagi yang bisa memberikan kebahagiaan, keberanian dan kekuatan kepadamu selain yang berasal dari Namasmarana. Bahkan jika orang lain mengolok-olok engkau, abaikan saja, biarkan saja! Semua orang, muda atau tua, kaya atau miskin, harus melakukan Namasmarana. Lakukanlah Namasmarana dengan segenap akal budimu dan dedikasi yang penuh. Nyanyikanlah bagi TUHAN tanpa hambatan; hanya setelah itu, maka engkau dapat mengalami kebahagiaan ilahi. Engkau tidak memerlukan alat musik - sudah cukup jika engkau menyebut-Nya dari kedalaman hatimu. Berhati-hatilah agar engkau tidak memiliki pikiran buruk karena hal itu akan menghasilkan nada sumbang. Setelah itu, engkau akan menerima rahmat dan energi Tuhan.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Thought for the Day - 4th November 2014 (Tuesday)
Thought for the Day - 3rd November 2014 (Monday)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Thought for the Day - 2nd November 2014 (Sunday)
Today many parents, even those highly educated, are acting without any sense of discrimination – discouraging children from worshipping God and participating in bhajans. They tell them that they would have ample time to think of God, post retirement. This is a grave mistake. You can remember God in old age, only when you practice thinking of Him from early on. Childhood is a very sacred and golden phase in human life - do not misuse it! Gayatri Mantra is the embodiment of Mother Principle. Practice chanting it every day – in the morning, afternoon and evening. When your back is towards the Sun, your shadow will be in front of you. It will fall behind you only when you stand facing the Sun. Similarly illusion (maya), which is like your shadow, will overpower you when you turn your mind away from God. You can easily overcome illusion, when you turn your mind towards God.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Thought for the Day - 1st November 2014 (Saturday)
The body is made up of five elements and is not real at any time. Body is like a water bubble. The bubble is born in water, sustained in water and ultimately merges in the water. Similarly the Self is born from Divine Consciousness (Sachidananda) and merges ultimately in the Divine. Birth and death are scenes in this drama of life; do not consider them to be true. In your sleep you may have seen many mansions, but when you are awake, you don’t see any of them! The buildings you see during your day are not visible to you when you are asleep. Hence both are untrue – day-dreams and night-dreams at best! The only fact in it is that ‘you’ are present in both times. Similarly though you have a human form, in reality you are Divine. Therefore sanctify this birth by leading a pure and sacred life. Don’t accumulate the dirt of worldly life.