Monday, January 31, 2011

Thought for the Day - 31st January 2011 (Monday)

There is a close, mutual relationship between the body, and the attitudes and feelings of the mind. So, people’s inner feelings become evident from their physical bodies. The posture and the appearance of the body help us to discover people's feelings. For example, with the sleeves of the shirt rolled up, and the palms rounded into fists, is it possible to exhibit love or devotion? Seated on the ground with knees bent, the eyes half-closed, and the hands held up over the head with the palms joined together, is it possible to show one’s anger or hatred or cruelty? That is why the ancient Rishis (sages) advised the spiritual aspirants to adopt appropriate bodily pose during prayer and meditation. They saw that through gentle body postures it is possible to control the waywardness of the mind.

Hubungan timbal balik antara badan, serta sikap dan perasaan, sangatlah dekat. Jadi, perasaan batin orang jelas terlihat dari badan fisiknya. Postur dan penampilan tubuh membantu kita untuk menemukan perasaan seseorang. Misalnya, mungkinkah kita menunjukkan cinta-kasih atau pengabdian, dengan lengan kemeja digulung dan tangan mengepal? Atau mungkinkah menunjukkan kemarahan, kebencian, atau kekejaman, jika seseorang duduk di tanah dengan lutut ditekuk, mata setengah tertutup, dan mengangkat tangan di atas kepala dengan telapak tangan bergabung bersama-sama? Itulah mengapa Resi kuno (orang bijak) telah menyarankan para peminat spiritual untuk mengambil pose tubuh yang sesuai selama doa dan meditasi. Mereka melihat bahwa melalui postur tubuh yang baik memungkinkan untuk mengendalikan pikiran.


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