Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thought for the Day - 14th October 2012 (Sunday)

Meditate upon the flute of Krishna and the melody it aroused in the veins of mankind, animals, birds, plants and even hills, rivers and rocks on sand dunes. Dwell also on the supreme love of the Gopis, their surrender of everything, gross and subtle, of ego and egoistic attachment at the feet of the Supreme Being. They spoke no word except prayer, they moved no step, except towards God, they saw and heard only Krishna in every being, they spoke every word of Him, to Him, no matter who was present with them. Lord Krishna filled their hearts and transmuted them into the most self-effacing group of devotees the world has ever seen. And know that the Lord’s assurance, "Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham" (I shall take care of the well being of My devotees) is no empty declaration; it is the vow of the Lord, and He is the very embodiment of Truth.

Bermeditasi pada seruling Sri Krishna dan melodi yang yang ditimbulkan di pembuluh darah manusia, binatang, burung, tanaman, dan bahkan bukit, sungai, dan bebatuan di bukit pasir. Renungkanlah juga cinta-kasih tertinggi para Gopi, mereka memasrahkan semuanya pada kaki Yang Maha Tinggi, Sri Krishna. Tiada kata yang terucap selain doa, langkah kaki hanya menuju pada Tuhan, yang mereka lihat dan dengar hanya Krishna dalam setiap mahluk, setiap kata hanya untuk-Nya, kepada-Nya, tidak peduli siapapun bersama mereka. Sri Krishna mengisi hati mereka dan telah mengubah mereka menjadi bhakta yang paling menonjol yang pernah ada di muka bumi ini. Dan ketahuilah jaminan Tuhan sebagai berikut "Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham" (Aku akan menjaga bhakta-Ku), itulah janji dari Tuhan, dan Beliau adalah perwujudan Kebenaran.

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