Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thought for the Day - 28th July 2013 (Sunday)

There have been many manifestations of the Lord in Bharath. For teachers have to be present where schools are and where children eager to learn are found. You cannot have the teachers in one place, and the school in another; the blackboard in one place and the bell in another. There are mica mines near Gudur; you cannot ask why they are not found near Peddhapuram. It is so, that is all. So too in India, there is a rich mine of spirituality and so engineers have to come here to operate it, extract it and prepare it for use. That is the reason why more manifestations of the Lord appear here. The atmosphere here is also conducive for the practical application of new modes and methods of extraction and use for the benefit of all humanity.

Ada banyak manifestasi Tuhan di Bharath (India). Para guru harus hadir di mana ada sekolah-sekolah dan di mana anak-anak ingin belajar. Engkau tidak dapat memiliki guru-guru di satu tempat dan sekolah di tempat lain; papan tulis di satu tempat dan bel/lonceng di tempat yang lain. Ada tambang mika di dekat Gudur; engkau tidak bisa menanyakan mengapa hal tersebut tidak ditemukan di dekat Peddhapuram. Memang demikianlah adanya. Demikian juga di India, ada tambang yang kaya spiritualitas sehingga insinyur harus datang ke sini untuk mengoperasikannya, mengekstraknya, dan mempersiapkannya untuk digunakan. Itulah alasannya mengapa begitu banyak manifestasi Tuhan muncul di sini. Suasana di sini juga kondusif untuk mempraktikkan mode baru dan metode ekstraksi dan menggunakannya untuk kepentingan seluruh umat manusia.


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