Saturday, February 28, 2015
Thought for the Dayy - 28th February 2015 (Saturday)
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thought for the Day - 27th February 2015 (Friday)
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Thought for the Day - 26th February 2015 (Thursday)
Following the true path of dharma, we will be in a position to receive much more benefit than what is anticipated. On the other hand, if we tread a path different from dharma, then we will find that if we have a thousand desires, not even one of those desires will be fulfilled. One who destroys dharma will in turn be destroyed by dharma, but one who protects dharma will in turn be protected by dharma. Whether it is punishment or protection it can arise only out of dharma. It is only by dharma that we can attain prosperity. We should try to follow the path followed by Dharmaraja (Yudhisthira) at least to a certain extent. Invest time to understand Indian culture, the scriptures (Ithihasas and Puranas) and Vedas and their sacred inner significance. There is no room for cruel and bad ideas, and it is possible for everyone to lead a good and happy life.
Mengikuti jalan yang benar yaitu dharma, kita akan berada dalam posisi untuk menerima lebih banyak manfaat daripada apa yang diharapkan. Di sisi lain, jika kita menginjak jalan yang berbeda dari dharma, maka kita akan menemukan bahwa jika kita punya seribu keinginan, bahkan salah satu dari keinginan tersebut tidak akan terpenuhi. Orang yang menghancurkan dharma pada gilirannya akan dihancurkan oleh dharma, tapi seseorang yang melindungi dharma pada gilirannya akan dilindungi oleh dharma. Apakah itu hukuman atau perlindungan, hanya bisa timbul dari dharma. Hanya dengan dharma kita bisa mencapai kemakmuran. Kita harus mencoba untuk mengikuti jalan yang diikuti oleh Dharmaraja (Yudistira) setidaknya sampai batas tertentu. Investasikan waktu untuk memahami budaya India, kitab suci (Ithihasas dan Purana) dan Veda dan arti suci-nya. Tidak ada ruang untuk ide-ide yang kejam dan buruk, dan sangat mungkin bagi setiap orang untuk menjalani kehidupan yang baik dan bahagia. (Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Part 1, Ch 13)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Thought for the Day - 25th February 2015 (Wednesday)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Thought for the Day - 24th February 2015 (Tuesday)
Monday, February 23, 2015
Thought for the Day - 23rd February 2015 (Monday)
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Thought for the Day - 22nd February 2015 (Sunday)
In the present Age of Kali, there is so much hatred between brothers. When there is no unity within the family, is it possible to bring about unity amidst all persons in this world? In many platform speeches, people address each other as brothers and sisters. We must ask ourselves whether such words are coming from the depths of our hearts or whether we are simply reading them from a piece of paper. If you truly mean the words ‘brothers and sisters’ from the depths of your heart, you most definitely will win the grace of the Lord and good consequences will follow. Never worry or fear that you may have to distribute your ancestral property, or share wealth with those whom you address as brothers and sisters. It is necessary and sufficient if you realise and accept that one common Divine is present in every one of you and is the basis for brotherhood amongst all of humanity.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Thought for the Day - 21st February 2015 (Saturday)
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thought for the Day - 20th February 2015 (Friday)
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Thought for the Day - 19th February 2015 (Thursday)
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Thought for the Day - 18th February 2015 (Wednesday)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Thought for the Day - 17th February 2015 (Tuesday)
Monday, February 16, 2015
Thought for the Day - 16th February 2015 (Monday)
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Thought for the Day - 15th February 2015 (Sunday)
No person or wickedness in this planet is incorrigible. Wasn’t Angulimala, the robber, turned into a kindhearted person by Lord Buddha? Wasn’t the thief Ratnakara transformed to Sage Valmiki? By conscious effort, habits can be changed and character refined. People always have within them, within their reach, the capacity to challenge their evil propensities and to change their evil habits. By selfless service, renunciation, devotion, prayer, and regulation of conduct, the old habits that bind people to earth can be discarded and new habits that take them along the divine path can be instilled into their lives. The purpose of all spiritual literature, poems, epics and books is to discuss the nature of mind, its ways and vagaries, and to inform about the process of reshaping it. Please realize that the mere reading of a book will not vouchsafe discrimination. That which is seen, heard, or read must be put into practice in actual life.
Tidak ada orang atau kejahatan di planet ini yang tidak bisa diperbaiki. Bukankah Angulimala, seorang perampok, berubah menjadi orang yang baik hati oleh Sang Buddha? Bukankah si pencuri Ratnakara berubah menjadi Rsi Walmiki? Dengan upaya sadar, kebiasaan dapat diubah dan karakter diperhalus. Orang-orang selalu memiliki dalam diri mereka, dalam jangkauan mereka, kapasitas untuk menantang kecenderungan jahat mereka dan untuk mengubah kebiasaan buruk mereka. Dengan pelayanan tanpa pamrih, meninggalkan keduniawian, pengabdian, doa, dan regulasi perilaku, kebiasaan lama yang mengikat orang-orang di bumi dapat dibuang dan kebiasaan baru yang membawa mereka di sepanjang jalan ilahi dapat ditanamkan ke dalam kehidupan mereka. Tujuan dari semua literatur spiritual, puisi, epik, dan buku adalah untuk membahas sifat pikiran, cara, dan liku-likunya, dan untuk menginformasikan tentang proses membentuk kembali itu. Engkau hendaknya menyadari bahwa hanya membaca buku tidak akan bisa melakukan diskriminasi. Apa yang dilihat, didengar, atau dibaca harus dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan nyata. [Prema Vahini, Ch. 1]
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Thought for the Day - 14th February 2015 (Saturday)
Friday, February 13, 2015
Thought for the Day - 13th February 2015 (Friday)
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Thought for the Day - 12th February 2015 (Thursday)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Thought for the Day - 11th February 2015 (Wednesday)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Thought for the Day - 10th February 2015 (Tuesday)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Thought for the Day - 9th February 2015 (Monday)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Thought for the Day - 8th February 2015 (Sunday)
You have worked very hard in your life discharging worldly duties and come to Prasanthi Nilayam, seeking rest for the body and peace for the mind. That being so, it might look strange if you were asked to undertake some kind of work here also. In the olden days the Guru would collect his disciples in the forest and give them different types of work, sometimes for 10 to 12 years. This was done with a purpose. One important object of work is purification of the Chittha (heart). Once the heart is purified one is ready to receive the teachings of the Guru. Therefore in earlier times the disciples were given work in the beginning so that they slowly get purified. Only when the teacher was satisfied regarding the student's ripeness for receiving spiritual instruction, would he start teaching Brahma Vidya (the supreme knowledge).
Engkau telah bekerja sangat keras dalam hidupmu menjalankan tugas duniawi dan datang ke Prasanthi Nilayam, mengistirahatkan badan jasmani dan mencari ketenangan pikiran. Dengan demikian, mungkin terlihat aneh jika engkau diminta untuk melakukan beberapa jenis pekerjaan di sini. Di masa lalu Guru akan mengumpulkan murid-muridnya di hutan dan memberi mereka berbagai jenis pekerjaan, kadang-kadang selama 10 sampai 12 tahun. Hal ini dilakukan dengan suatu tujuan. Salah satu obyek penting dari pekerjaan adalah pemurnian Chittha (hati). Setelah hati dimurnikan seseorang siap menerima ajaran Guru. Oleh karena itu pada zaman dahulu para murid diberi pekerjaan di awal sehingga mereka perlahan-lahan bisa dimurnikan. Hanya ketika guru merasa puas tentang kematangan siswa untuk menerima instruksi spiritual, maka ia akan mulai mengajar Brahma Vidya (pengetahuan tertinggi). (Divine Discourse, 7Jul 1985)
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Thought for the Day - 7th February 2015 (Saturday)
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thought for the Day - 6th February 2015 (Friday)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Thought for the Day - 5th February 2015 (Thursday)
The attitude of forbearance (Titiksha) refuses to be affected or pained when afflicted with sorrow, loss, or ingratitude and wickedness of others. In fact, you must remain calm, and bear all blows patiently and gladly, without any form of retaliation, for these are results of your own past actions. The natural reactions of people, when someone injures them are to hurt them in return, that is, return harm and insult to those who harm them and insult them. These are characteristics of the worldly path (pravritti). Those who seek the inner path of sublimation and purification (nivritti) must desist from such reactions. For, if you choose to return injury for evil, you are only adding to your own karmic burden! Paying evil with evil may confer immediate relief and contentment, but will never lighten the weight of karma. Forbearance, therefore, requires people to do good even to those who injure them.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Thought for the Day - 4th February 2015 (Wednesday)
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Thought for the Day - 3rd February 2015 (Tuesday)
Birds, beasts and trees do service to man, without anticipating any recompense, but human beings seek help from their kind, from their parents, preceptors and even God, offering in return only insult and injury. They parade their loyalty to Truth, Right Conduct, Peace and Nonviolence - virtues arising from self-less love; but it is only for exhibition and not for experience. They long to recede respect and affection from others but are reluctant to treat others in the same manner. Their full concern is centered on the body-mind complex, ignoring the fact even a hundred-year long life has to end in the cemetery. In order to free oneself from the ego, people must learn to recognize the one Divinity that temporarily wears different forms and names to distract by apparent multiplicity. Removal of this mistaken view and attainment of the awareness of the unity in Divinity - this is the true purpose of education.
Burung, binatang, dan pohon melakukan pelayanan kepada manusia, tanpa mengantisipasi balasan apapun, tetapi manusia mencari bantuan dari sesamanya, dari orang tua mereka, pembimbing, dan bahkan Tuhan, kemudian memberikan balasannya berupa penghinaan dan cercaan. Mereka menunjukkan kesetiaan mereka pada kebenaran, kebajikan, kedamaian, dan tanpa-kekerasan - kebajikan yang timbul dari diri sendiri karena cinta-kasih; tetapi hanya untuk pameran dan bukan untuk pengalaman. Mereka merindukan rasa hormat dan kasih sayang dari orang lain, tetapi enggan untuk memperlakukan orang lain dengan cara yang sama. Perhatian penuh mereka berpusat pada badan jasmani, mengabaikan fakta bahkan umur panjang bahkan sampai seratus tahun harus berakhir di kuburan. Untuk membebaskan diri dari ego, orang harus belajar untuk mengenali Divinity yang sementara memakai bentuk dan nama yang berbeda untuk mengalihkan perhatian pada keragaman. Hapuskanlah pandangan yang keliru ini maka engkau akan mencapai kesadaran kesatuan Divinity - inilah tujuan sebenarnya dari pendidikan. (Divine Discourse, 5-Dec-1985)
Thought for the Day - 2nd February 2015 (Monday)
When some friends, well-wishers or relatives place a gift-article in our hands which does not please us, we accept it gladly only because our acceptance pleases them. When the gift pleases us, our reaction is hearty. We treasure it and are filled with it. Know that God too reacts in the same way to what man offers Him. When the offering is tainted, He may accept it in order to satisfy the longing of the devotee (sadhak). But when the offering pleases Him by its purity and sincerity, He welcomes it and His joy translates itself as abundant Grace. So, one has to discover and decide on the offering that gives Him delight and receive the blessing of Grace. Discriminate, prepare and plant healthy and potent seeds in the inner field of your hearts, so that you reap a plentiful harvest of Grace.
Ketika beberapa teman, simpatisan atau kerabat memberikan benda-benda hadiah di tangan kita yang tidak menyenangkan kita, kita menerimanya dengan senang hati hanya karena untuk menyenangkan mereka. Ketika hadiahnya menyenangkan kita, reaksi kita hangat. Kita menghargainya dan dipenuhi dengan hal itu. Ketahuilah bahwa Tuhan juga bereaksi dengan cara yang sama dengan apa yang kita persembahkan kepada-Nya. Ketika persembahan yang diberikan ternoda, Beliau dapat menerima itu untuk memenuhi kerinduan para pemuja (sadhak). Tetapi ketika persembahan menyenangkan hati-Nya dengan kemurnian dan ketulusan, Beliau menyambut-Nya dan kita menerjemahkannya sebagai Berkat yang berlimpah. Jadi, kita harus menemukan dan memutuskan persembahan yang dapat memberikan Beliau kesenangan sehingga bisa menerima Berkat-Nya. Diskriminasi, mempersiapkan, dan menanam bibit yang sehat dan kuat di ladang hatimu, sehingga engkau menuai panen Berkat yang berlimpah. (Divine Discourse, 5-Dec-1985)
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Thought for the Day - 1st February 2015 (Sunday)
The gross body (Sthula deha) should be ever immersed in holy company (Satsanga), and the subtle body (Sukshma deha), that is your thoughts and feelings, should be ever immersed in the contemplation of the glory of the Lord. That is the sign of a true devotee. The one who shouts and swears, and advertises one’s worries to everyone they meet and craves for sympathy, is a devotee only in name! It is a great responsibility to tread the Godward path. On such a pilgrimage there is no sliding back, no halfway stop, no tardy pace or no side lane. Never deny with your tongue what you have relished in the heart; never bear false witness to your own experience. Become a true devotee with unshaken faith, and with an attitude of complete self-surrender. This attitude can come from constant, sincere and continuous remembrance of the Lord’s name, as continuous as the act of breathing!
Thought for the Day - 31st January 2015 (Saturday)
If you stand at the same level as the ocean and look at it, it will appear as a vast sheet of water. On the other hand, if you look at the same ocean from a height, it will appear like a lake. Similarly, since the rishis (sages) were on a higher level in spiritual knowledge and away from the world, they could recognise this vast world as a very small and insignificant entity. When at a lower level, one thinks that the world is big, important and manifold. The diversity and the differences will be seen more clearly. But when one evolves to a higher state, everything will look smooth, small and even. When we have a narrow vision, our country, our people, our languages will all appear as full of problems and differences. If you can go to a high place and look at the world, it will appear in one unified aspect and all the people and all languages will appear as one.