Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thought for the Day - 24th June 2019 (Monday)

During bhajans, all those singing in chorus have to maintain the same tune. Discordant singing will jar on the ears. Singing in unison in bhajans is a form of discipline. Similarly, in sports and games, you have an umpire to enforce the rules of the game. Every player has to observe the rules strictly. Sometimes while playing, in their enthusiasm, the players fail to observe the rules. The umpire, however, sees to it that the rules are enforced and the players obey him implicitly. Any player who does not obey will be violating the rules of the game. Today it is because people do not observe the rules, whether in sports or elsewhere, that life has become intolerable. Some people hold positions of authority in business, in administration or in other institutions. Here also discipline is very essential! Just because you hold an office of power or authority, you should not behave as you wish, disrespecting the rules! 

Selama bhajan, semua yang bernyanyi dalam paduan suara harus mempertahankan nada yang sama. Nyanyian sumbang akan terdengar kurang enak di telinga. Bernyanyi serempak dalam bhajan adalah bentuk disiplin. Demikian pula, dalam olahraga dan permainan, engkau memiliki wasit untuk menegakkan aturan permainan. Setiap pemain harus mematuhi aturan dengan ketat. Terkadang saat bermain, dalam antusiasme mereka, para pemain gagal mematuhi aturan. Wasit, bagaimanapun, memastikan bahwa aturan ditegakkan dan para pemain mematuhinya secara implisit. Setiap pemain yang tidak mematuhi akan melanggar aturan permainan. Saat ini karena orang tidak mematuhi peraturan, baik dalam olahraga atau di tempat lain, hidup menjadi amat berat. Beberapa orang memegang posisi otoritas dalam bisnis, administrasi, atau di lembaga lain. Disinilah disiplin juga sangat penting! Hanya karena engkau memegang kekuasaan atau otoritas di kantor, engkau tidak boleh berperilaku seperti yang engkau inginkan, tidak menghormati aturan! (Divine Discourse, Jun 19, 1996)


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