The future of a nation depends on its youth. The strength of the youth lies in their spirit of patriotism. The primary duty of the youth is to render service to the society. The physical and mental strength of the youth is the foundation on which a nation is built. Wake up from the slumber of selfishness and narrow-mindedness and resolve to serve the nation. Perform all activities keeping the esteem and honour of the nation uppermost in your heart. It is unbecoming of the youth to forget divinity and the goal of life, and to waste time in physical and materialistic pursuits. The youth should express human qualities by cultivating noble character and by rendering service to the society. They should understand that the well-being of the individual lies in the safety and security of the nation.
Masa depan suatu bangsa dan negara tergantung pada youth (kaum muda). Kekuatan para youth terletak pada semangat patriotismenya. Tugas atau kewajiban utama para youth adalah memberikan service (pelayanan) kepada society (masyarakat). Kekuatan fisik dan mental para youth merupakan fondasi dimana berdirinya suatu bangsa/negara. Sadari dan bangunkanlah dirimu dari sifat-sifat selfishness (mementingkan diri sendiri) dan narrow-mindedness (pandangan sempit/picik), bulatkanlah tekadmu untuk bekerja demi kemajuan bangsa. Laksanakanlah semua aktivitasmu sembari tetap menjaga nama baik bangsa. Sungguh amat disayangkan sekali apabila para youth melupakan divinity dan tujuan hidupnya sembari menyia-nyiakan waktunya dalam memenuhi keinginan fisik dan materialistik semata.
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