Sankranti is an auspicious festival of the Bharatiyas. From this day commences the Uttarayana Punyakala (northward journey of the sun) which is considered auspicious for man to embark on his journey towards the goal of a purposeful, sacred and blissful life. In the north, we have Himachala (Himalayan mountains). Himachala symbolises a heart that is pure and cool as Hima (ice) and steady as Achala (mountain). The message of Sankranti is that people should direct their vision towards Himachala in this symbolic sense. It does not mean looking at the north with the physical eyes. It calls for enquiring into the truth of the spirit with Jnana Drishti (inward eye of wisdom).
Sankranthi adalah suatu hari/festival yang suci bagi kalangan Bharatiyas. Sejak hari ini, mulailah Uttarayana Punyakala (perjalanan matahari ke arah utara), dimana momen ini dianggap suci bagi manusia untuk memulai perjalanan ke arah kehidupan yang bermanfaat, suci dan bahagia. Di bagian utara, kita mempunyai Himachala (deretan pegunungan
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