Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 26th November 2008 (Wednesday)

God is the embodiment of Dharma (righteousness). His grace is won by Dharma. He is ever fostering Dharma. He is Dharma Itself. The Vedas, Shastras (scriptures) and Puranas (mythology) all proclaim aloud the glory of Dharma. The stream of Dharmic activity should never run dry. When its cool waters cease to flow, disaster is certain.

Tuhan adalah perwujudan Dharma (kebajikan). Rahmat Ilahi hanya bisa diperoleh melalui Dharma. Beliau senantiasa melindungi Dharma, sebab diri-Nya sendiri adalah Dharma. Kitab-kitab Veda, Sastra dan Purana - semuanya menyatakan secara jelas tentang kemuliaan Dharma. Aliran aktivitas-aktivitas Dharma tidak boleh pernah berhenti, sebab jikalau tidak, maka umat manusia akan menuai bencana.

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