Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thought for the Day - 10th March 2011 (Thursday)

Doubts may arise in your minds when you hear the story of creation and the early history of man on earth. The processes of the Divine Will are mysterious wonders. They cannot be grasped by the faculties with which you measure earthly events. Often, they may strike you as devoid of any basis, but the Lord will never involve Himself in any deed without a proper cause. That Will need not be explicable. It is its own prompter. Everything everywhere is due to His Will.

Keraguan mungkin akan muncul dalam pikiranmu ketika engkau mendengar kisah penciptaan dan sejarah awal manusia di bumi. Kehendak Tuhan adalah sesuatu yang menakjubkan (misterius). Kehendak Tuhan tersebut tidak dapat ditangkap oleh panca indera seperti engkau mengukur peristiwa duniawi. Sering kali, Kehendak Tuhan datang padamu tanpa dasar apapun, tetapi Tuhan tidak akan melibatkan diri-Nya dalam perbuatan apapun tanpa alasan yang tepat. Kehendak Tuhan tidak perlu dijelaskan. Semuanya di mana-mana karena kehendak-Nya.


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