You must become like the flute in the Lord's hands. Let the breath of the Lord pass through you, producing delightful music that melts the hearts of everyone. Surrender yourself to Him; become hollow, i.e., egoless; then He will Himself come and pick you up caressingly and apply you, the flute, to His lips and blow His sweet breath through you. Allow Him to play whatever song He likes.
Engkau harus menjadi seperti seruling di tangan Tuhan. Biarkan nafas Tuhan mengalir melalui dirimu, menghasilkan musik yang menyenangkan hati semua orang. Pasrahkan dirimu pada-Nya, jadilah kosong, tanpa ego, maka Beliau sendirilah yang akan datang dan menjemputmu, membelai dan menggunakanmu, sebagai seruling, menuju bibir-Nya dan meniup nafas manis-Nya melalui engkau. Biarkan Beliau memainkan lagu apa saja yang Beliau sukai.
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