Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 10th December 2008 (Wednesday)

In the discipline of Bhakti (devotion), one has to stand the test at the hands of the Lord. He has to hold on to the Lord's name at all times and under all conditions, without the slightest trace of dislike or disgust, bearing the ridicule and the criticism of the world and conquering the feelings of shame and defeat.

Dalam menjalankan disiplin Bhakti (devotion), engkau harus siap untuk menjalani cobaan dari-Nya. Engkau harus memegang teguh nama-Nya di setiap saat dan segala kondisi tanpa berkeluh-kesah. Engkau harus tahan terhadap segala bentuk kritikan maupun cemoohan. Hendaknya engkau sanggup mengalahkan perasaan malu maupun perasaan minder lainnya.

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