Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thought for the Day - 14th May 2014 (Wednesday)

Buddha experienced the unity of all creation. There was total transformation in Him once He attained the vision of ekatma (oneness of the atma). He realised that all worldly relations were false. He transcended body consciousness. That is why he earned the appellation Buddha (the enlightened one). Man should use his buddhi (intellect) to understand this principle of unity. Buddhi is of two types: the buddhi that sees diversity in unity is worldly intelligence. You should develop adhyatmic buddhi (spiritual intelligence) in order to realise the underlying unity of all creation. It gives you the experience of the atmic principle which is the same in the entire creation. Buddha attained the vision of the atma. Truly speaking, Buddha is not just one individual. All of you are Buddhas. You will see unity everywhere once you understand this truth.

Buddha mengalami kesatuan dengan semua ciptaan. Ada transformasi total dalam diri-Nya setelah Beliau mencapai visi ekatma (keesaan atma). Beliau menyadari bahwa semua hubungan duniawi adalah palsu. Beliau melampaui kesadaran badan jasmani. Itulah sebabnya Beliau mendapat sebutan Buddha (yang tercerahkan). Manusia harus menggunakan buddhinya (akal) untuk memahami prinsip kesatuan ini. Buddhi terdiri dari dua jenis: buddhi yang melihat keragaman dalam kesatuan adalah kecerdasan duniawi. Engkau harus mengembangkan buddhi adhyatmic (kecerdasan spiritual) untuk mewujudkan kesatuan yang mendasari semua ciptaan. Ini memberikan kepadamu pengalaman prinsip atma yang sama pada semua ciptaan. Buddha mencapai visi atma tersebut. Sesungguhnya Buddha bukan hanya satu, kalian semua adalah Buddha. Engkau akan melihat kesatuan di mana-mana setelah engkau memahami kebenaran ini. (Divine Discourse, May 13, 2006)


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