Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 21st April 2008 (Monday)

Man is not aware of the grand goal of his pilgrimage. He is straying into wrong roads which lead him only to disaster. He places his faith in objects outside himself and strives to derive joy from and through them. He does not know that all the joys spring forth from inside him; he only invests the outer objects with his own joy drawn from inside him. He envelopes the outer objects with his inner joy and then, experiences it as though it is from that outer object.

Manusia tidak menyadari tujuan utama dari perjalanannya. Manusia telah tersesat di jalan salah yang akan membawanya menuju malapetaka. Ia terlalu banyak menaruh kepercayaan terhadap obyek-obyek luar (yang bersifat duniawi) serta berupaya untuk memetik kebahagiaan daripadanya. Manusia tidak menyadari bahwa sumber kebahagiaan berasal dari dalam dirinya sendiri. Selama ini ia banyak melakukan proyeksi kesenangan terhadap obyek-obyek eksternal dengan berdasarkan pada sumber kebahagiaan yang sebenarnya justru ada di dalam dirinya sendiri.


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