Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thought for the Day - 8th February 2015 (Sunday)

You have worked very hard in your life discharging worldly duties and come to Prasanthi Nilayam, seeking rest for the body and peace for the mind. That being so, it might look strange if you were asked to undertake some kind of work here also. In the olden days the Guru would collect his disciples in the forest and give them different types of work, sometimes for 10 to 12 years. This was done with a purpose. One important object of work is purification of the Chittha (heart). Once the heart is purified one is ready to receive the teachings of the Guru. Therefore in earlier times the disciples were given work in the beginning so that they slowly get purified. Only when the teacher was satisfied regarding the student's ripeness for receiving spiritual instruction, would he start teaching Brahma Vidya (the supreme knowledge).

Engkau telah bekerja sangat keras dalam hidupmu menjalankan tugas duniawi dan datang ke Prasanthi Nilayam, mengistirahatkan badan jasmani dan mencari ketenangan pikiran. Dengan demikian, mungkin terlihat aneh jika engkau diminta untuk melakukan beberapa jenis pekerjaan di sini. Di masa lalu Guru akan mengumpulkan murid-muridnya di hutan dan memberi mereka berbagai jenis pekerjaan, kadang-kadang selama 10 sampai 12 tahun. Hal ini dilakukan dengan suatu tujuan. Salah satu obyek penting dari pekerjaan adalah pemurnian Chittha (hati). Setelah hati dimurnikan seseorang siap menerima ajaran Guru. Oleh karena itu pada zaman dahulu para murid diberi pekerjaan di awal sehingga mereka perlahan-lahan bisa dimurnikan. Hanya ketika guru merasa puas tentang kematangan siswa untuk menerima instruksi spiritual, maka ia akan mulai mengajar Brahma Vidya (pengetahuan tertinggi). (Divine Discourse, 7Jul 1985)


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